Destination Salagou

Lac du Salagou

The lake Salagou

Unpredictable, unexpected, mysterious...a jewel to discover during your holiday !

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Cirque dolomitique of Mourèze

Calcareous rock with more than 70 rock statues listed !

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Let yourself be surprised by this ancient cloth-making city, a timeless treasure.

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Pic de Vissou

Pic de Vissou

Similar to a shark's tooth, it dominates the vineyard. From the top, the view is remarkable !

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The lake Salagou is now a certified protected site.

Its geology and its biodiversity make it a unique spot! It’s an ideal playground for hiking on foot, on VTT but also on horseback. Many nautical sports such as boating or catamaran sailing, pedal or paddle boats are also available …It’s also a renowned spot for carnivorous fishing.

To find it you have to know how to “lose” yourself, or not … The easiest road is without a doubt the one that will take you to the beach right next to the campsite and the nautical base on the riverbanks of the Salagou. For either relaxation or for nautical sport, the lake here has an extraordinary panorama, and a feeling of being in a timeless zone…

A bit further along is the dam, close to the basaltic columns which are the volcanic remnants of the past. Look carefully and you will catch a glimpse of them from the two riverbanks.

Unpredictable, unexpected, mysterious, shiny like a diamond… the Salagou is a jewel to discover and just at the turn of a corner, there it is, impossible to not stop and contemplate its stunning beauty.

Its setting, with the red earth surronding it is called the “Ruffe”, is actually a particular kind of lake that combines a palette of colours. It seems like has always been there … but thisis not the case, the small river Salagou flowed ran peacefully in the valley up until the creation of a water reservoir, just 50 years ago. The cultivation of cereals and grapes and pastoral activity was omnipresent, hamlets and small buildings were dotted over the countryside some of which are still producing.

Don’t hesitate to go further towards the village of Celles on the north bank. You’ll fnd that it’s in a world of its own. Celles was programmed to be engulfed in the waters when the impoundment of the lake Salagou took place. It never happened. But now, it has come to life little by little and retrieved its spirit.

To discover some of the new sights follow the small road that goes through the picturesque village of Mourèze in the direction of Salasc. On the right when leaving the village, take the road to the lake going towards Liausson, also called the lovers’ road. You’ll quickly understand why when you see the small white stones arranged on the ruffe …At the edge of the lake there are swimming areas where you can stop to cool down.

One of the most beautiful ways to admire the Salagou is undoubtedly to climb the Mont Liausson which overlooks it. One has to admit could say that the view is exceptional and that it is well deserved.

A universe to discover at any season, and a strong desire to come back !

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