Produits gourmands


Vignobles et Découvertes

Bernard Manguin, a master chocolate-maker, loves chocolate. He never stops developing his products ; searching for new tastes and innovating are his formulas for creating new chocolates every season. At the Chocolaterie du Blason you can find all sorts of treats. Chocolate of course, like sweets and the house speciality, but also broken-up for a spread, and also original creations like Pépites, with a Sud de France label, more cakes and different kinds of macaroons. A real treat for your taste buds.


7 Rue du Chardonnay
ZAE Les Tanes Basses

Means of communication

Means of communication (reservation)


from 02/01/2024 to 31/12/2024

Spoken languages


Special needs



  • Air conditioning
  • Car park
  • Public toilets


  • Shop
  • Tasting


Payment possibilities

  • Payment cards
  • Cheques and postal orders (F)
  • Cash


  • Motorway - A75 : 1,0km


  • Pastries
  • Sweet biscuits
  • Chocolates

Direct sale : yes

Free tasting : yes


Reception of groups : no

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