Locations saisonnières


Gîtes de France

Just a couple of steps away from the Lake Salagou on the outskirts of Clermont L’Hérault, is the gîte Kitoko. A studio for 2 people with all the necessities for an agreeable holiday. Also to enjoy is the surrounding outside space with a covered swimming pool and a fenced-off garden.


22 rue Georges Thary

Means of communication

Means of communication (reservation)


  • Air conditioning
  • Television
  • Wifi Internet access


  • Swimming-pool
  • Indoor swimming pool


  • Bed linen rental
  • Bathroom linen rental
  • Cleaning


Week (furnished) 700,00€
1 night 100,00€

Payment possibilities

  • Credit card
  • Payment cards
  • Cheques and postal orders (F)
  • Gift vouchers (F)
  • Holiday vouchers (F)
  • Cash
  • Eurocard - Mastercard
  • Money transfers
  • Visa

further information

  • Maximum capacity : 4 persons
  • 0 bedroom
  • surface area : 30 m2
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