

Situated on the Octon side of the Lake Salagou in an exceptional and natural setting, the open-air music and dance restaurant 'Le Relais Nautique' offers food all day long with plates of assorted local specialities, tapas, sandwiches and salads. Come and get the last rays of sunshine while tasting our family cuisine. This place is perfect for parents to relax and children to have fun. Every Tuesday, the evening meal is accompanied by entertainment (important to reserve).


Route du Lac du Salagou
Rives d'Octon
34800 OCTON

Means of communication

Spoken languages


Special needs


Animals accepted

Free of charge


  • Bar
  • Smoking area
  • Games for children
  • Parking
  • Bus park
  • Pétanque (bowls)
  • Terrace


  • A la carte menu
  • Dish of the day / daily special

Payment possibilities

  • Cheques and postal orders (F)
  • Holiday vouchers (F)
  • Cash


  • Motorway - A75 sortie n°54 OU 55 : 9,4km
  • Motorway - A750 sortie n°57 : 18,2km

Type of catering

  • Open-air café or dancing

Culinary specialities

  • Mediterranean cuisine
  • French regional
  • Local specialties


50 number of guests seated

50 terraced places


Reception of groups : yes
Number of persons : de 20 à 40

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