

Vignobles et Découvertes

The Grotte de Clamouse is a Ministry of Environment classified site, a tourist attraction in the centre of the Herault gorges, not to be missed in the Languedoc Roussillon. It is best known for its diversity of underground caves which are almost unique in Europe! Internationally renowned for the richness of its concretions (notably of rare eccentric aragonite crystals), visiting the Clamouse is magical, like taking a trip out of time. It also makes a change from a guided tour to a traditional Speleopark! Visit and discover the Clamouse differently!


Route de Saint Guilhem le désert

Means of communication

Means of communication (reservation)


from 19/10/2024 to 03/11/2024

from 04/11/2024 to 11/11/2024

Spoken languages


Special needs


Animals accepted

Free of charge


  • Picnic area
  • Bar
  • Parking
  • Film projection room
  • Equipped meeting room
  • Snack
  • Terrace
  • WC/Sanitary facilitie


  • Shop


  Min Max
Full fare 14,90€ 15,40€
Reduced rate 13,40€ 13,90€
Rate for children 0,00€ 8,80€

Payment possibilities

  • Credit card
  • Holiday vouchers (F)
  • Cash
  • Eurocard - Mastercard


  • Motorway - A750 : 2,0km

Free entry


Group tours

  • permanently guided tours
  • guided tours on request
  • educational visits on request
  • average length of visit : 80 mn

Individual visits

  • permanently guided tours
  • guided tours on request
  • average length of visit : 80 mn


Reception of groups : yes
Number of persons : de 20 à 50

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